Sunday, August 30, 2009

Posted by jinson on 9:23 AM
For the fourth year in a row, we will be proudly participating in the 8th annual Epicurean Palette fundraiser on September 13th, 2009 at the Grounds for Sculpture. This is one of our favorite showcase events, not only because it's an amazing display of food and wine throughout the magnificently landscaped 35 acre sculpture garden, but for the third year in a row our two remarkable children will play a key role in working this upscale lawn party.

They are a huge help on every level and this unique event is a very creative environment for everyone. No wine for the second editions, but they certainly enjoy the sensational gourmet cuisine.

We have been catering five-star receptions, especially weddings, at the GFS for over 4 years and it's a special venue. This is their annual charity event to support their worthy mission to promote the appreciation of contemporary sculpture. It's really just one big elegant party!
There are a plethora of fantastic wines to savor and an endless bounty of gastronomic delights to enjoy as hundreds of guests leisurely stroll along the fantasy-like paths of the GFS like they are on their merry way to the Emerald City. Only with a glass of Chardonnay and some incredible food from Provence Catering in hand.

It definitely pays to stroll through life well-prepared. We hope you join us for this magnificent fundraising event. Remember, the weather is usually fabulous in mid-September!