Friday, August 09, 2013

Posted by jinson on 3:00 PM

Curious about what a Zero Waste Event is?

Zero Waste Event (or "ZeeWee" as it has been nicknamed) is one in which event organizers plan ahead to reduce solid waste from the event, reuse various elements such as banners, and set up Zero-Waste Stations for those recyclable and compostable materials such as paper cups, food scraps, and plastic water bottles that are generated by the event. ZeeWees can range from large scale sports events to weddings and parties. -Wikipedia

Here are the results from our  Taste of Dixie Zero Waste Event:

81.70% of all of the waste was diverted. We were so proud to be a part of this event, and we plan on having many more successful Zero Waste events in the future.
Want to know more about Provence Catering helping you with a Zero Waste event?

Contact us today!